Sunday, February 11, 2018

My Experience as a Fluenter

Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. - Mattie Stepanek

          My experience working in a group with some of my classmates was surprising. The first day that I worked with my group, I didn't know what it was going to happen. I didn't know nobody and everyone in my group had different opinions about school or life. It was a challenge for me to adapt to their style of work and organization. Well, for all of us was because we were all new to each other. During the semester, working in groups had a lot of ups and downs. Some positive things about working in group was that not all the job was on one person. My group and I were able to distribute the assignment gave by the professor in a way that everyone agreed. Also, the group members could help me when I had a doubt on something about the assignment or helped me to remember the dates which we had to turn in the assignments. These actions gave me the opportunity to know my group members and create a work style that was fluent and productive. Some negative things were having to rely on the other to make their part because if one of the members didn't did the part, then the professor had to subtracts points to all of us for a mistake from one member. In addition, another bad part was when a member didn't show up in class the day that the professor told us to work in groups. Sometimes, this situation made me, and my other group members feel like we were short on personnel. Despite all this ups and downs, I recognize that my experience with my group was surprising because I didn't expect that our strategies for the activities would work the way it did. I remember the first activity we had to do. It was the presentation of the group. This day nobody knew nobody so it was kind of awkward and mysterious what was going to happen. We had to present the group members, choose a name for the group, that was related to the English class, and tell why we chose it. This was more complicated than expected because all the names we thought were lame or super lame. At the end we chose the name "The Fluenters" because it was a funny word that expressed that people in that group (except me :-) ) where fluent English speakers. When it was our turn to present, I must admit that I was a bit scared, but it didn't matter because one of my group members told me that he would have my back. In conclusion, all turned out fine and we did a successful oral presentation about our group. Working in a group also helped me see different opinions about themes like gender, discrimination, racism, etc. This was because I could hear the opinions and perspectives of my partners and debate until we all came to a conclusion or agreement. This exercise expanded my knowledge on themes that were given in class. Overall, my experience working in group was satisfying and interesting. Having this type of activity helps me to know how to work with people I don't know, how to be a leader and reinforces my teamwork abilities. 

Image result for teamwork gif

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Work Cited

Pittmann, Cynthia. Group project reflection Class assignment UPRRP. 11 February 2018.


  1. I liked that you explained the name of the group.

  2. Your titles are better than mine and the story of the name is totally true.
