Saturday, February 10, 2018

Reflection of reflections

Image result for journal


           At first, the journal was just a homework more. Then, when the time passed, and I kept doing it, I liked it. I liked it so much that I even liked doing the journal. There were times when I couldn’t wait to do the journal. It helped me manage my emotions and helped me take some decisions in my life. One of the things I liked about it is that I felt heard and it felt great to tell something from the heart without being questioned or shushed. After finishing every entry, I felt relieved and good about knowing why I felt that mood on that day. I analyzed that my entries or life compasses showed that I live a stressful life. There were days were the best part of my day was the ten minutes I took to express myself on the journal. I even would like to continue doing the journal entries on my own because it’s a very good exercise to understand my feelings or mood swings.

          I wasn't so successful following the first thoughts rules. The ones that gave me more difficulty where “don’t stop writing” and “don’t cross out”. In this project I encountered with obstacles like getting my hand tired and not having much creativity. But I learned from these obstacles how to write fluently and how to use efficiently a pen. 
          Some changes I’ve noticed in my writing since this project started where my writing speed and my vocabulary. For example, before, I had ideas coming in my mind while I was writing but I was too slow to write them on the journal, so they just fade it. Now, I write faster for the ideas to get on the notebook. Also, when I was writing, there was thing I wanted to say in, but I didn’t know to say it in English. So, I searched words before every journal entry to know what words to use. 
          Some of the changes I’ve noticed in my life are my time distribution and my decision making. Thanks to the journal, I realized that most of my stress it was because I didn’t have much time to do my obligations. So, I decided to distribute my time better to relieve myself a little from all the stress that I was having. In addition, now I analyze better the situations going on in my life to make better decision when I must. Now I feel more engaged in writing than before the class. This project helped me to see that in the future I couldn't be an amazing English writer. This is shown in my way to build sentences, my incorrect use of words, etc. However, it showed me that I like to express my ideas and that's an important revelation to me.

Image result for diary gif

Work Cited

Pittmann, Cynthia. Journal Reflection. Class assignment UPRRP. 18 January 2018.


  1. I can relate so much to the first sentence of your blog post.

  2. I also consider that my vocabulary and my writing speed have improved.
